Saturday, January 9, 2016

Notes of Statistics for Genomic Data Science

This is my notes of the class Statistics for Genomic Data Science offered by Johns Hopkins on Coursera. This class covers four parts, providing a good start for exploring statistics and R programming in genomic science. The online resource is at 

1. Exploratory analysis
1). central dogma of statistics: population --probability--> sample --inference--> population.
2). reproducible research!!
- data sharing plan: raw data, tiny data set, code book and explicit recipe.
3). three tables in genomics:
- samples
- feature data
- phenotype data
4). var(genomic measurement) = phenotypic variability + measurement error + natural biological variation.
5). power: probability of discovering a real signal if it is there (80%).
6). batch effects: the most common confounder.
e.g., 78% of genes differentially expressed <- batch effects.
7). randomization: without randomization, the confounding variable differs among treatment.
8). exploratory analysis
- check for missing values in a variety of ways
- M-A plot: x-axis~sum, y-axis~difference.
9). Data transform:on one hand, most statistical methods are designed to work better for non-skewed data; on the other hand, in reality, most genomic data is skewed. One way to address this skew is to use a transformation, like log transform + 1. 
10). More transforms:depending on the type of data you are using.
- variance stabilizing transform: remove a mean variance relationship among the data
- box-cox transforms: make the data approximately Normally Distributed.
- rlog transform: unique to genomics count data; this is a regularized version of the log transform seeking to minimize differences at low count levels.
11). Clustering:
(a). Hierarchical Cluster
First, we need to get the distance matrix between samples first: dist(t(edata)) #dist function calculate by rows.
Then we can use heatmap to visualize the distance matrix.
Third, Let's perform a hierarchical clustering and plot the dengrogram:
hclust1 = hclust(dist1)
(b). K-Means Cluster
In R, the kmeans() are clustered by rows by default:
kmeans1 = kmeans(edata,centers=3)
We can cluster the data together and plot:
Note: you will get a different answer if you run kmeans again.

2. Normalization and preprocessing
1). Dimension reduction: PCA and SVD.
- SVD: to find patterns that explain the variation: 
svd1 = svd(edata_centered).
plot(svd1$d^2/sum(svd1$d^2,ylab="percent variance explained,col=2)

A very common plot is to plot PC1 versus PC2 to see if we can see any "clusters" or "groups": 


Another common plot is to make boxplots comparing the PC for different levels of known covariates.

boxplot(svd1$v[,1]~pdata$study, border=c(1,2))

- PCA: calculate variations across columns:

pc1 = prcomp(edata)

In order to get the actual PC1 and PC2, we need to center the data by column, instead of by row.

edata_centered2 = t( t(edata)-colMeans(edata) )
svd2 = svd(edata_centered2)

- We need to center the dataset, otherwise the first singular values will always be the mean level.

- outliers, outlying genes.

- widely used for batch effects (refer to lecture).

2). Quantile Normalization

- preprocessing: try to remove technological artifacts.
- normalization: remove technological biases, make the samples comparable.
- quantile normalization: most common technique, "force the distribution to be same". yet doesn't work for biological variability.


norm_edata = normalized.quantiles(as.matrix(edata))

- Preprocessing and normalization are highly application specific: Affymetrix (affy), Illumina (lumi), gene count based models(Rsubread), Peaks(DiffBind).

3).  Linear Models
- linear models with categorical covariates
-- additive model
-- dominant model
-- recessive model
-- two degrees of freedom model
- adjust for covariates
-- equivalent to fitting multiple lines
-- interpretation of interactions changes
- many regressions simultaneously: genomics measure many variables, and one of the goal is to find out which variable relates to the outcome.

mod_adj = model.matrix(~ pdata$strain + as.factor(pdata$lane.number))
fit_adj =,t(edata))

fit_limma = lmFit(edata,mod_adj)

edge_study = build_study(data=edata,grp=pdata$strin,adj.var=as.factor(pdata$lane.number))
fit_edge = fit_models(edge_study)

-- linear models for microarray data:
- batch effects and confounders
-- If each biology group is on its own batch, then we can't tell the difference between group biology and batch variable.
- In general we'd like the residuals to looks symmetrically (e.g. approximately Normally) distributed. Therefore, data transforms are often applied before regression.
- Also, we need to be careful when two variables in the regression model are highly correlated.

mod = model.matrix(~as.factor(cancer) + as.factor(batch), data=pheno)
fit =,t(edata))


- surrogate variable analysis
-- estimate batch effects from data itself.
mod = model.matrix(~cancer,data=pheno)
mod0 = model.matrix(~1,data=pheno)
sva1 = sva(edata,mod,mod0, of significant surrogate variables

modsv = cbind(mod,sva1$sv) #add surrogate variables to the model matrix
fit_sv =,t(edata))

3. Statistical modeling
- false positive: "came up just because you are doing so many data shifting when you look at the data."
- logistic regression: log odds
-- The coefficient is the change in log-odds for a one unit decrease in the number of copies of the minor allele.
snp1 = as.numeric(snpdata[,1]) #homozygous major allele is coded 1
glm1 = glm(status ~ snp1,family="binomial")

smp1_dom = (snp1==1)

glm_all = snp.rhs.tests(status ~ 1,

de = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(edata,pdata,~strain)
glm_all_nb = DESeq(de)
result_nb = results(glm_all_nb)

- regression for counts: we want to model the distribution between the phenotype we care and the counts for particular genes.
-- Poisson distribution (counts): a common assumption: mean and variance are same.
-- Fit a regression on log of expectation of the counts.
-- Negative binomial distribution (snp): more flexible for modeling TWO parameters instead of one (compared to Poisson, for a mean value, the variances are fixed).
- Inference
- Null and Alternative hypotheses
- Calculate statistics in R:
-- Standardization of distance is critical.
-- t-statistic
-- F-statistics quantifies differences in model fit.
-- It is for sure that: more variables => smaller residuals. It is just that the residual doesn't go down enough to suggest that the model fits better.
tstats_obj = rowttests(edata,pdata$strain)

fstats_obj = rowFtests(edata,as.factor(pdata$lane.number))

mod_adj = model.matrix(~ pdata$strain + as.factor(pdata$lane.number))
fit_limma_adj = lmFit(edata,mod_adj)
ebayes_limma_adj = eBayes(fit_limma_adj)

-- calculate a nested comparison: todo
- Permutation: permute labels to "break relationship"
- P-values:
-- The probability of observing a statistics that extreme if the null hypothesis is true.
-- The probability of observing a statistics more extreme under the permutations than the statistics we observed!!
-- If the null hypothesis is true, the p-value is equally distributed between the value of 0 and 1.
-- NOT: the probability the null is true. NOT: a measure of statistical evidence.
- Multiple testing
- P-values / hypothesis testing are designed for one.
-- expected number of false positives
-- Family wise error rate
-- False discovery rate: the noise among the discoveries you are willing to tolerate.
-- Bonferroni Correstion
-- Benjamini-Hochberg Correction
-- Type I errors, family wise error rate, and false discovery rate DO NOT MEASURE THE SAME THING!!

mod_adj = model.matrix(~ pdata$strain + as.factor(pdata$lane.number))
fit_limma_adj = lmFit(edata,mod_adj)
ebayes_limma_adj = eBayes(fit_limma_adj)
limma_pvals = topTable(ebayes_limma, number=dim(edata)[1])$P.Value

fp_bonf = p.adjust(fstats_obj%p.value,method="bonferroni")

4. Statistical summarization
1). gene set enrichment: look for groups of genes that share function or other characteristics.
library goseq
# perform a differential expression analysis
de = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(expr,pdata,~grp)
de_fit = DESeq(de)
de_results = results(de_fit)
# get the differentially expressed genes after FDR correction
genes = as.integer(de_results$padj < 0.05)
not_na = !
names(genes) = rownames(expr)
gene = gene[not_na]
# set up a weighting function for all the genes in the genome
pwf = nullp(genes,"hg19","ensGene")
#perform the enrichment analysis parametrically
Go.wall = goseq(pwf,"hg19","ensGene")
2). enrichment in the genome
- contingency table
3). Steps in an RNA-Seq analysis in R:
S1: Align: Star, Tophat2,HiSat
S2: Count: HTSeq
S2: Assemble and quantify: StringTie, Cufflinks, Trinity
S3: Normalize: EDAseq, DESeq2/edgeR (UPenn workshop)
S4: Statistical tests: DESeq2/edgeR
S5: Gene set enrichment: goseq
4). Steps in a CHIP-Seq analysis in R:
- measure the way in which protein interacts with DNA.
S1: Align: bowtie2, BWA
S2: Peak detection: MACS, CisGenome
S3: Count: MACS, CisGenome,diffbind
S4: Normalize: diffbind
S5: Statistical test: CisGenome, MACS, diffbind(multiple samples)
S6: Sequence motifs & Annotation: CisGenome, meme-suite, BioC Annotation Workflow
-- are they commonly enriched with particular genome motifs?
5). Steps in a DNA methylation analysis in R:
- methylation: a particular methyl groups that binds to CpG sites of of the genome.
- the idea is to identify those places where the binding occurs.
S1: Normalize: minfi
S2: Smooth:charm, bsseq
S3: Region finding:charm,bsseq
-- need to fit a statistical model to identify those regions
S4: Annotation: charm, bsseq
6). Steps in Whole Genome Sequencing in R:
S1: Variant Identification:crlmm (SNP); freeBayes,GATK(SEQUENCING).
S2: Population stratification correction: snpStats
S3: Statistical tests: snpStats
S4: Examining local region: PLINK,Annotating Genomic Variants Workflow
-- identify variants associated with disease
S5: Annotation: Annotating Genomic Variants Workflow
7). Expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eOTL)
- try to do association between ALL levels of expression levels and ALL possible SNP levels. 

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